No Quote Today

No quote today, this pastiche in its stay
The blog it stands forlorn, its symbolic post gone
No quote today, it seems a common site
But people passing by, don’t know the reason why

How could they know just what this message means?
The end of my streak, the end of daily memes
How could they know all the quotes there had been
In the archives where history is seen?

No quote today, next one’s for another day
Words of others to say I posted every day

But all that’s left are folks quoted recently
A site with a lack of new daily posts done
Becomes a shrine where views are from search only
Visits will go down

No quote today, next one’s for another day
Words of others to say I posted every day
As music plays, at the stats I will glance
I’ll need to write more now, my words my only chance

“No milk today, my love has gone away
The bottle stands forlorn, a symbol of the dawn
No milk today, it seems a common site
But people passing by, don’t know the reason why

How could they know just what this message means?
The end of my hopes, the end of all my dreams
How could they know a palace there had been
Behind the door where my love reigned as queen?

No milk today, it wasn’t always so
The company was gay, we turned night into day

But all that’s left is a place dark and lonely
A terraced house in a mean street back of town
Becomes a shrine where I think of you only
Just two up two down

No milk today, it wasn’t always so
The company was gay, we turned night into day
As music played, the faster did we dance
We felt it both at once, the start of our romance” — Herman’s Hermits, “No Milk Today,” There’s a Kind of Hush All Over the World (1967)

6 thoughts on “No Quote Today”

    1. I’m not leaving. My stock of quotes is running out, so they’re not going ot be daily anymore.

      My words will show up sooner than later. They’re in my my notebook but I’m not happy with them despite having played with them for a while. I have a little more filler that’s allowing me to avoid the showing them for just a little while longer.

    1. My stock of quotes is running out, so they’re not going to be daily anymore. I have few more and I haven’t stopped reading, so they’ll be back – just at a more irregular interval.

  1. No Milk Today – that brings back memories! Sorry about the quote-famine. Why not just write whatever comes into your head? In my short experience of blogging, perfection doesn’t seem to be a requirement – just a real, immediate voice. “Only Connect” as Wotsisname said.

    1. I’m long way from aiming for perfection. My relationship to writing is changing, becoming more serious, and the writing itself is evolving. I’ve never taken my writing seriously and I’m getting used to the idea. I’m just about at the point where I’m ready to start putting out some really crappy writing along with some even worse undeveloped ideas.

      Now I feel like I’m taking myself a little too seriously, so I’ll leave it at that.

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